Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Art Tip #101

I've been teaching oil painting for 8 years.  After painting miles of canvas and trying to articulate those tips for my students, I thought would share these with you.  The lessons will range from talking color, loosening up, finding your style, painting from photos to how to clean your brushes.  Some will be profound, some funny and some abstract but hopefully all useful.

Tip #101
Thank God for baby wipes

Almost every student hears me say..."What a lovely shade of lipstick, is that Cad. Red Light? or you could do the "Got Milk" commercial, if milk color was Viridian".   Baby Wipes save the day.  My favorite wipes are Rite Aid's brand but Pampers works good too.  So before you leave the studio, make sure if there is paint on you, it at least coordinates with your outfit.

If you have a question that you would like me to answer, email me.


  1. Fantastic...Everyone Can Use These TidbitS And Lessons....Imagine How Wealthy They Will Be Coming From An Artist Such As Yourself!
